My mother 56 years old was suffering from abdominal pain for years now but she had never got herself checked. Recently again she had got fever, direhha stomach pain so we treated for that after which she has got jaundice symptoms. Her eyes are yellow since last 15 days and she has on and off pain under her ribs to abdomen. In her CT scan the report says that her gallbladder is well distended shows hyperdense minimally enhancing constrictive soft tissue mass lesion in midbody with associated multiple tiny calculi within its lumen. There is local invasion of adjacent liver parenchyma in segment IV b and V reaching upto capsular surface with adjacent peritoneal involvement. The liver lesion measures approximately 5.3×5.1×4 cm. Multiple necrotic lymph nodes are seen in periportal and peripancreatic region. These nodes appear infiltrative. The peripancreatic node size (2.8×1.6 cm) is close to the lower end of CBD and the II part of duodenum ( periampullary region) causing obstruction of the lower end of CBD with proximal biliary obstruction. There is dilatation of proximal CBD and intrahepatic biliary radicles. CBD measures 1.6 cm in diameter. MPD is not dialated. There is loss of planes between II of duodenum. Another node is very close to caudate lobe, in between the caudate and portal vein. Visualised lung bases show multiple nodular opacities. Liver is enlarged in size. Spleen, pancreas, kidneys and adrenals are normal. The summary given by the radiologist is - Malignant infiltrative gallbladder mass lesion with local invasion of segment IVb and V of liver, multiple necrotic periportal / peripancreatic lymph nodes and pulmonary metasis. The peripancreatic nodes are causing compression of the distal CBD with biliary obstruction. Our oncologist have given her 6 months life expectancy. He has also told that he can t put her in Chemo / Radiation therapy before her jaundice is cured and has advised us to get her ERCP done with billary stenting and get her FNAC done for staging. Could someone / doctor / medical practioner recommend if we could atleast start some herbal / naturopathic treatment for her. In this case what herbs to give her and what precautions to be taken? Someone please help as I am having nightmares since the day this disease has been detected and we all are just unable to see her in pain. All help would be appreciated. Regards, Narayan